Hz - tradução para francês
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Hz - tradução para francês

Hz; MHz; Kilohertz; KHz; Mhz; 1 E3 Hz; Gigahertz; GHz; Petahertz; Exahertz; KHZ; MHZ; Zettahertz; Yottahertz; EHz; PHz; ㎐; ㎑; ㎒; ㎓; ㎔; Gihz; Khz; DaHz; MegaHertz; Picohertz; Femtohertz; Attohertz; Yoctohertz; Zeptohertz; Nanohertz; Microhertz; Millihertz; Decahertz; Decihertz; Centihertz; Hectohertz; Tetrahertz; ZHz; Megacycles; 10,000 hertz; Hertz (unit); Hertez; Khertz; Megahertz; Hertz (frequency); Terahertz (unit); Hertz unit; Ronnahertz; Quettahertz; Rontohertz; Quectohertz
  • A [[sine wave]] with varying frequency
  • sinusoidal]] periodic phenomenon that may be analyzed in terms of frequency. Two cycles are illustrated.

Hz, hertz, unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second (Physics)


¦ abbreviation hertz.



The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI), equivalent to one event (or cycle) per second. The hertz is an SI derived unit whose expression in terms of SI base units is s−1, meaning that one hertz is the reciprocal of one second. It is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857–1894), the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves. Hertz are commonly expressed in multiples: kilohertz (kHz), megahertz (MHz), gigahertz (GHz), terahertz (THz).

Some of the unit's most common uses are in the description of periodic waveforms and musical tones, particularly those used in radio- and audio-related applications. It is also used to describe the clock speeds at which computers and other electronics are driven. The units are sometimes also used as a representation of the energy of a photon, via the Planck relation E = , where E is the photon's energy, ν is its frequency, and h is the Planck constant.

Exemplos de pronúncia para Hz
1. These mirrors will actuate at about 6,000 Hz,
Extreme-3D Printing _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Hz
1. On le voit: toute l‘installation qui traite les rayons de lumi';re collectés par les deux télescopes doit bénéficier d‘une incommensurable précision de fonctionnement. «Tout le défi consiste ŕ faire se déplacer l‘śil–de–chat pesant 12 kg sur une distance de plusieurs centim';tres, avec une précision de 8 milliardi';mes de m';tre, tout en le faisant vibrer 200 fois par seconde (200 Hz)», résume Michel Fleury, ingénieur en chef du projet. «Pour relever ce défi technologique, nous avons fait appel aux compétences d‘experts de l‘EPFL, qui ont développé une collaboration tr';s formatrice pour les étudiants», poursuit Didier Queloz.